Winter Chill...
hectic week
(2006-07-15, 2:16 p.m.)
It's been a hectic week, that's for sure! Just a little update on the Fred and Jen saga. He admitted to Jen that while she was in Africa on her mission, the whore lived with him on the boat, and they did have sex a few times. Jen's comment was that she knew he was having an affair. Fred said that it wasn't an affair, because he loves the whore. So I guess it's okay to cheat on your spouse as long as you love the one your cheating with, because it's not an affair!
And something else that annoyed me, was that he asked Jen to help pay off a credit card that he got behind on. Sidenote: I don't remember if I mentioned he lost his job on June 19, so he's still waiting for his un-employment to kick in, and his cashed in 401K.
Since he's been sans job, Jen agreed to loan him the money to get it taken care of. Well, she gave him her pin number to her savings account, and he fucking drained it and left her 8 buck. What the hell were you thinking?? She doesn't think he did it to be malicious, he just needed money to survive on. Well, get some money from your whore girlfriend, she runs a day care, or she could get it from her husband.
During one of Fred and Jen's talk, he did make mention that he knows about the whore track record, and says there would never be a solid relationsip with her. Whatever.
Jen did tell him that since he is the one that wants the divorce, he has to fill. Oh, and what I think is totally amazing, Fred's mom is going to pay Jen's legal fees. His mom is so upset with him right now, this is un-reconcilable between them. That's what caused Fred's parents marriage to fall apart, his dad had an affair with his secretary.
Thankfully, Jen has an appoinment with one of the premier divorce attorneys in town on Thursday, so I hope she gets some good legal advice.
On a lighter note, going to SIL parents hous tonight for that bonfire, in 90 degree heat! Who knew? I've got some Smirnoff and water that I'm taking, just to keep cool. There's also the fireworks tonight, and I really want to go to that too! Maybe I'll hang at the bonfire for a bit, then go check out the fireworks, and them come back for more bonfire.
Oh my gosh! I forgot to mention that on monday evening, I'm taking a fly fishing class! I'm so very excited! I'm taking it with Kristen and her mom, aunt, and grandma! Of course, being the dork that I am, I've been doing some online research and studying up on that.
Speaking of being a dork, last night at work, it was slow only because I had to wait for a couple of rooms to get done with surgeries. So I sat down, and budgeted my paychecks for the rest of the year. I know, you want to be just like me. I have it planned out that by September 15, I will have my new laptop, and I will have most of my christmas money saved up, or spent by December 8th. And that money doesn't account for the pay out we get at the end of the year from the hospital, if we don't use all out vacation time. If I don't take any more time off, and use my Cash Out Bank hours, I will have 60 hours of pay coming my way! Sweet! I am also going to talk with Bro and SIL about not spending any money on each other, just focus on the kids this year. Which I think they will be cool with that, it's been mentioned before.
So on that note, this little entry has turned into a long one, and I'm getting sleepy, so I think I will retire for a little siesta before the festivities tonight...