Winter Chill...
Thanks for good thougths..
(2006-07-20, 12:41 a.m.)
I swear this is going to be short! Thanks for all your comments about the Fred and Jen situation. Please keep good happy thoughts coming Jen's way, today was not a good day for her. She kept asking me, "what did she do wrong, or what is wrong with her, why doesn't he love me anymore." I told her I wish I knew, but it's not her. Of course, she had me just about crying too. Jen goes to see one of the best divorce attorneys tomorrow afternoon, I will fill you in all the happening with that, and some other boneheaded things Fred has done the last couple of day tomorrow night. last thing, Smed sent me this link. I don't know if Jen will ever get this mad, but part of me hopes she does.
Later gators...