Winter Chill...
Dessert party and potato festival
(2006-07-30, 12:10 p.m.)
The dessert party was a smash! The only negative thing was the 90 degree heat, add some wonderful humidity, and it felt close to 100 degrees! Talk about making a girl look her best! As usual, my desserts were a hit, especially the strawberry margarita bars! So so easy to make, and so very refreshing on a hot day! We had a total of 34 people show up, only 8 couldn't make it! Next year, whenever mom wants to have it, it's going to be here at the clubhouse, in my park. It's got AC, we'll just have to get some tables to set up, and it will be all good! Plus, it's so easy to get to my place from the highway, no one should get lost!
Afterwards, I headed out to the Cousin's moms house. That's where I stayed last night, and it was close to the festival. On our three separate occasions, we saw fireworks! You know how I feel about fireworks! We got the the festival, and went into the beer tent. It was HUGE!! And hot! Like Hades hot. No air circulation other than buy the booze stands. Oh yeah, and 5 bucks for a bottle of Smirnoff. Needless to say, I didn't do a whole lot of drinking there. We stayed for a half an hour, and then hightailed it back to Bay City, and the Pub. Cousin's Brother, had a class reunion last night, and he said he would end up back at the bar, so we went to meet up with him.
The most coolest thing about last night? When me finally hooked up with Cousin's Brother, the first thing he asked me, was if my friend that I was out with a couple weeks ago was with us! He's talking about Jen! He said he thought she was really cute. Then of course, I had to tell him that she thought he was good looking, and he was like, "Okay, I'm good with that. I'd like to take her out if she's interested." SWEET!
I had a couple more Smirnoffs and caught a really good buzz. The band was awesome, they played a lot more heavier stuff, like Tool, and Black Sabbath. And it was hot in there too! Even with AC and ceiling fans, it didn't help much. Cousin and I left around 1 and hit the gas station to pick me up some vitamin water to help restore the depleted vitamins from my night of drinking. I had that, a bag of pretzels, and two advil and went to bed. Well, I sort of went to bed. Cousin's Brother(CB) had an 8am tee time this morning, and one of the bartenders from the bar, was playing with him. So he got the sofa, and I started in the recliner, but moved over to the love seat, when part of the recliner kept poking me in the ribs. So CB and Bartender show up around 3:15, I'm trying to sleep, but I have some major ear ringing going on. CB goes down to the basement, and Bartender and I are in the living room. I'm just about to doze off when I think I hear a certain noise. You know, the noise of someone whacking off? Now I could have been imagining it, but it went on for 15 minutes, and at one point in time, he got up and went into the bathroom, and was in there for longer that it would take to pee. So I'm laying there, hopefully looking like I'm asleep, when he comes back out, get comfy on the sofa, and I start hearing that noise again. I'm like no fucking way, I know I'm not imaging it now, because he's moaning softly, and his breathing is getting heavier, and faster.
Finally he must have taken care of bidness, because it got quiet over there. Now again, I could have been imaging it, and Cousin, please don't ever say anything to CB about it, it could have just been the alcohol in my system. (I don't think so!!!)
Moving on....
This morning, on my way home, I stopped at Mom and Dad's to get my stuff, and see if they needed help with tearing anything else down. They had taken care if it already. I called Jen to let her know aboutCB and she was flattered and suprised! She said she wanted to think about it, the date she went on Friday was kind of a dud. I guess the guy Friday, kissed her a couple of times, and ran his fingers through her hair, and when it's only been one guy that's done it to you for 18 years, it's had to get used to the idea of someone else doing it. I told her that CB is a stable, understanding guy, who has a big heart. He is cool with her having two kids also, which helps. It would be really cool, if they just hung out a few times, and got to know each other!
In other news, I might have mentioned this, but if not, I'm having lunch with None Fuck Buddy Dude(NFBD) tomorrow. We talked on the phone Friday night, and he has a nice deep voice, which I like. We chatted for about 20 minutes, then my phone started dying. I need a new battery for it. So I told him I would call him tonight, so we can chat some more. We'll see how that goes.
Now, I know it's been alot to digest, but I think it's time for me to take a little nap...