Winter Chill...
AC update...
(2006-08-02, 11:35 p.m.)
I called the heating place yesterday morning, and they had someone out to my house, but 8:30! Awesomeness! But then I got the bad condensor was frozen, and my coil was bad. So he was going to try to call the company to see if they still had some parts sitting around. But since August of last year, they've gone to SER 13 which is some energy rating, and the likely hood of getting the parts are pretty slim. So that was yesterday morning, and I still haven't heard back from him. Kind of pisses me off, that it's taken so long. Sure, I could call them, and I will tomorrow, but he should have atleast called today and told me if he had found anything out yet. Oh, and if he can't get the parts, it's going to cost between 1500-2000 dollars for a new unit.
I don't think so!
I hit Home Depot yesterday and found a 5000BTU window unit, and put that in the bedroom. Talk about good times...I corraled all the cats last night, and put a food and water dish, and a kitty litter box in the bedroom, and we all slept in there last night. It actually got chilly in there this morning. I had to cover up with a blanket. I will probably do that again tonight. It's 75 right now, and supposed to get down to 68, so I have the fans in the kitchen and living room windows, bringing the cooler air in. It's 84 still in the house, but that's down from 90 when I was home at 9. Oh anyway, dad suggested getting a larger BTU window unit for the living room, and just use those for the rest of they year. Which is a good idea, if we can find one. Since the front bedroom is closed off, i can easily shut the bathroom also, that way it's doesn't have as much area to cool. I frankly don't have the money for a new unit, so that is probably the best way to go for now.
I have a party to go to Saturday afternoon, and lucky me, Eric is going to be there! It's actually his helper, who is getting married in two weeks. They are having a little pre-wedding party. And it looks like Eric might be the only person there that I will know, unless Jill goes, so I just might have to be his side kick that day!
Brad, the part time kid at the tile shop is driving me nuts. All he talks about all the fights he's either gotten into, or came pretty damn close to being in. Who gives a shit. He came in today, talking smack about the person who supposedly stole his sisters identity, and how he's put the word out on the street that he's going kick some ass when he finds out who it was. Whatever. Get over yourself. Eric has asked to get hired for one day, that way he can fire Brad's ass.
I haven't fully decided, but I might have to go to a locked diary. I made the mistake of mentioning posting the Whacker story on my diary, and now someone at works wants the link. I'm thinking I might just give her my LiveJournal addy, I don't have as many entries there, and the ones I want private, I can designate, and it's only seen by friends that are on my list. Or maybe I will just tell her it's locked, and there's no way I'm giving it to her.
Well..I think it's time to grab the babies and go to bed....