Winter Chill...
Weird dreams and spiders....
(2006-08-09, 12:07 a.m.)
It was a good day today...except for the dreaded headache I can't seem to shake. I got some work done around the house, and then headed outside for some sun. Of course, it's kind of boring just laying around out there, so I started weeding my gardens. They needed it, so not a big deal!
Oh yeah...had a totally bizarre dream last night, and one of my Dland buddies was in it. Someone whom I've never met before is in my dream. Way weird. And the other odd thing about the dream, is this person morphed into my cousin at one point. What the heck....
I have another day off from the tile shop tomorrow! I figured it out, it's been 6 weeks since I've had my last two days off consecutively. That's a long time. My thoughts are getting up fairly early and hitting the farmers market, then coming back home to get more sun...
It's a win win day for me!
Oh yeah...I discovered on Sunday that I have a spider living behind my doorbell box. Now, normally I can deal with a spider, as long as it's not huge and ugly. Well this one is both. It's looks to be about 3/4 inches long, and black and hairy. Fucking scary as all get out. And every time I would see it, and try to kill it, it would scurry back behind the doorbell box. It didn't matter how stealthy I was, it would hide. Finally, yesterday morning when I left to go to work, it had taken a stroll along the side of my house, and was no where near the doorbell box. So I grabbed my decorative cardinal that was sitting on the railing, and tried to kill it with the tail. All I managed to do was jar it loose, and so it was dangling from it's web off the back end of the cardinal. I'm frantically trying to shake it off, and it falls to the ground. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to get to it and squish it, and I think it went running under my house.
If you hadn't figured it out, I'm not a big fan of the spider....
Great, I should have ended with the dream I'm going to be dreaming about freaking spiders tonight....