Winter Chill...
Dad got a job!!
(2006-08-10, 11:28 p.m.)
Guess what I'm going to do tonight?

Actually sleep with the windows open, so I can hear the night sounds....I can hear the crickets singing as we speak, and it's lovely.

Great news in the family today! My dad got a job! He's going to be working maintenance at a new assisted living complex that was just built in town. He's going to start off at 20 hours a week, and that could increase at some point! You seriously don't know how this is going to boost his self-confidence. I don't know how much he's getting paid, but at least their budget won't be so tight any more! On a little more of a somber note, he sold his Corvette. I was really hoping that if he got this job, he could keep the car. The dude that bought it, is leaving Sunday, and driving it out to California. Which I could tell bothered dad, but once the deal is final, it's out of dad's hands. I know he thinks that the car isn't equipt to make the drive, but there's nothing he can do about it.
I was talking with Jeanette today, and she was telling me that the hospital only has three people to work weekend calls in the transportation department. I'm going to talk with the manager of the department tomorrow, and if it's true, I might pick up a weekend or two a month of call to earn some extra cash! Or even if I have to work at the tile shop on Saturday until one, then I could take call from 3 to whenever.
Of course, this is another way for me to avoid social interaction....
And on that note I think I will retire...