Winter Chill...
More Jen drama
(2006-08-11, 11:43 p.m.)
I talked with Jen tonight, she got home from her mini-vacation around 6. Her and the boys had a good time in Kentucky, at Cumberland something or other. I could tell that something was wrong, so I asked what was up, and she said she was lonely. And the person she wanted to fill that loneliness was Fred, but he's with the whore. She just can't get it in her head that he's not coming back. No matter how much she's wished/prayed, it's not happening. Of course, it didn't help that she SLEPT with him Monday night before she left for vacation. Seriously, if she would have been near me I would have slapped her. He had told her he would change the oil in the car before she left, so he did that, and she made dinner, and they had a really good time. Got up the next morning, and he headed back to the boat, and Jen followed, there were some things the boys needed off th boat. They all went out for breakfast, and then Jen took off. She said everything was nice, but the couple of times she talked to him while she was gone he was very cool towards her. She did say she regrets sleeping with him, and it's not going to happen again, and I hope so. She doesn't understand how he could do that, and then go back to the whore. Well, sorry honey, but you shouldn't have let him. But I know why she did. She figured that by sleeping with him, it will get him to come back to her. I think if she found someone, and gave them a chance, it would be easier on her, to let go of him. I know that it totally sucks when you are the dumpee with no one, while the dumper has someone.
She made mention that she might want to go out tomorrow night. Which would be fine with me. I told her we could stay close, or hit Bay City, it made no difference to me.
Other than that, things have been quiet today. I had a really hard time going into work this afternoon. When I got home from the tile shop, I was so wonderful taking my siesta with the weather being so awesome! I was laying in bed, thinking that I could stay there all afternoon! But I went into work, but Monday looks to be another great don't be surprised if I'm home in the afternoon! It's been 18 months since I last called day is not going to be a bad thing for me...
On the agenda for tomorrow, Farmers market in the morning, then to work from 10-1, and then coming home to clean the house. Bro stopped to see me today, he wants to hook up, and do some music exchanges, so the family might come over Sunday and do dinner. Then we are going to the Fair! I'm so excited! We always go Sunday night, you don't have to pay to park, and we can see the animals without to many people around. Speaking of animals...tonight on my way home, I cruising along, listening to Alice Cooper, and I see something in my headlights, scurrying accross the road. It was a mouse. I think I was able to stradle it, I hope it made it accross before the car behind me hit it. Now I'm going to be worrying about a little mouse until tomorrow morning when I leave. If I don't see any roadkill where it was at, I'll be fine....
Well, I'm getting I think I will say peace out for now....