Winter Chill...
Injured Kirby
(2006-08-14, 11:42 p.m.)
I have an injured feline. I came home from the tile shop this afternoon, and noticed the Kirbinator limping. He's babying is right front paw. I grabbed him and took him into the bedroom and did a preliminary exam on him. I didn't feel where anything was broken, he didn't meow or anything when I checking him out. Which was a good sign I think. He let me look at his paw, and I didn't see where anything was cut, scratched or anything like that. Nothing looked swollen either.
Mom thinks that maybe he bruised something. If he was playing a little to rough with one of the other cats, or if he jumped down from somewhere and didn't land correctly. Sometimes he will walk on it for a bit, and other times he won't even put it on the ground. Thankfully I don't have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to watch him like a hawk to see if there is any improvement. Keep your fingers crossed that there is.
Went to the fair last night with Bro and the family. Fun!! There wasn't much up in the way of rides, but Baby Girl did get to rid a pony, and she loved it! Silly me forgot my camera, to record it! Chowed down an elephant ear, and did get a cinnamon roll to go, and I'm kicking myself in the butt for not getting two! There's always a possibility of going back in the morning. If you get there before 10 you don't have to pay to park. See, the problem is, I'm craving something sweet right now..and there's nothing sweet in the house.
As we were coming back to my house last night SIL made mention that she is working this weekend, and would I be available to watch BG on saturday. Well, hell yeah, I'll be free. I was supposed to work, but I figured I'd get Mike to cover me. He's moving his daughter back to college this weekend, and can't. I asked Jill if she could take it, and she's getting a facial done in the morning. Well, sorry, what would happen if I called in? You'd have to forgo your facial. But Brad came in, and she didn't care if I gave it to him, so he's working it.
I talked to a guy at the hospital today about being on call thing. You get paid $22.50 during the week, and $45 dollars a weekend day to carry it, and if you get a call to make a run, it's time and a half of your base salary. He said that one week he worked, he make an extra thousand dollars. That's some heavy cash. Like mom said though, I have alot of things that I do on the weekends, I would have to give that stuff up, if I'm on call. So I don't know, I have to think about it.
Well, I've got some other felines that need some attention so I will go and give them some lovin too!