Winter Chill...
4 thing meme
(2006-08-15, 11:28 p.m.)
So I've been tagged by the loverly HaloAskew for the Four things meme. Excellent...*tapping fingers on the table*

Four jobs I have had in my life:

1) Soda jerk at Baskin Robbins. Loved Loved Loved that job! It was my first job, worked there for 2.5 years, and then about 4-5 years later went back and worked for another 2.5 years. I can still roll my ice cream in a scooper, that's something you never forget!

2) Midnight softlines stock person. A local grocery store turned into what now would be called a Super Wally World, and I worked on the general merchandise side stocking everything from oil to yarn on the midnight shift. Loved that job too...but for other reasons...

3) In home day car provider. Hated Hated Hated that job. It was for an infant boy and 11 year old girl. The girl was a brat and the baby cried alot. I only did that for about 7 months before I quit. 4) Furniture salesperson. Loved the job, hated that I got paid on commission. This is the job that I swore I would never work another job that paid by commission.

Four movies I would watch over and over:

1) Ever After
2) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
3) G.I. Jane
4) Jaws

Four places I have lived:

1) Michigan
2) Michigan
3) Michigan
4) Michigan Can you say boring. Acutally, I don't think I would ever move from my home town. I like it too much here.

Four TV shows I love to watch:

1) Nip/Tuck
2) CSI Vegas, NY and Miami, in that order
3) Miami Ink
4) Project Runway

Four places I have been on vacation:

1) Pheonix AZ
2) Massachusetts
3) Florida
4) The UP

Four of my favorite foods:

1) Grilled hamburgers and macaroni salad
2) PopSecret Homestyle micro popcorn
3) Jimmie John's #9 Italian Night Club no onions
4) Mushrooms, in anything, cooked any way

Four songs that remind me of summer:

1) "Tequila" by the Champs.
2) "Ants Marching" Dave Matthews Band
3) "Escape" the pina coloda song by Rupert Holmes
4) "Hotel California" the Eagles

Four places I would rather be right now:

1) Getting cozy with the felines in bed
2) Australia
3) The UP
4) Scotland

Four readers of this journal who should do their own meme:
Acutally, I think this has made the rounds, so if you haven't done it, get busy bitches!

Kirby is doing better, I caught him running through the house this morning, so it's not to bad. He still babies it a little but not nearly as much as before!
Miami Ink is on...time to go!!