Winter Chill...
TiVo for me!
(2006-08-16, 11:52 p.m.)
So with all my budgeting that I have going on, I figured I would have a nice chunk of change for Christmas gifts. I've also talked with mom about it, and I told her that we should focus on the kids, that's more important. And she agreed, but she wants to get us something small. Which is fine, I'm thinking, get something nice for Bro and SIL, and mom and dad, like a gift card for dinner out and movie passes or something. Nothing to outrageous. Which leaves me with Jen and the boys, 5 people at work, and Chris. On average, if I spend $25-$30 dollars per gift, that leaves me with a nice little bundle of joy to spend on me. And currently, what shiny sparkly new thing I'm looking at is TiVo. That will still leave with money for my birthday trip next year also.
You know, I've got to tell you, budgeting is a good thing!
Of course, I am a woman, and I have the option to change my mind, so be prepared! I do have a tendency to talk myself out of things.
I had the TV on the other night watching Harry Potter on ABC family, and they showed a clip for a new show this fall called "Brothers and Sisters". To be on Thursdays this fall after Grey's Anatomy. What the hell? Why does ABC do that? When Alias was on Sunday nights I watched it faithfully, but then they moved it to a weeknight. Hello you morons, I work afternoons!! And I bet you, they are going to put it opposite of CSI. Which I will watch CSI over anything. Damn television people.
Well, Kirbs is way better. I looked at his paw again today, and near the front of one of his pawpads, was a little scab. So he got scratched or stepped on something. He was running around chasing Karma today, so he is on the road to recovery.
I got called into the tile shop yesterday, for reasons I'm not going to get into right now. Suffice it to say, Eric was there, and at one point, he was standing on the other side of my desk, with a measuring tape that he kept extending out and would poke me with it. I asked him if he was over compensation for something, and he thought that was pretty funny. After about 5 minutes of poking, I told him that if he was going to continue, he better get out the real thing and make it worth my time. Being the modest guy that he is, he said he would have to sit on my lap to get close enough for me to feel anything.
Okay, please, sit on my lap. You don't have to ask me twice!! Since I told him I would make him cookies, I think I'm going to have time to do it on Sunday. So a little trip out to his place might have to take place....