Winter Chill...
(2006-09-12, 11:33 p.m.)
I called Jen tonight to find out what the schedule for the boys is going to be next week. I work everyday at the tile shop, so I really don't want to have them three days in a row, which is what I thought it was going to be. She thinks it's only two days, so hopefully her mom can take them for one day. That is, if she will still have them next week.
While we were talking, so told me about how awful her day was because Fred called her and accused her of ruined him finacially.
What? Would you please repeat that for me?
Apparently when the bank called her house a couple of weeks ago, looking for money, Jen explained the situation to them. Going through a divorce, he's unemployed, but getting unemployment, getting some money from his dad to take care of the loans, and his account. Then last week the taking money out of her account and then freezing her account. Fred telling her that he was going to get the money from his dad, and get it all taken care of yesterday.
Hey, big surprise...he didn't do a damn thing.
So her account is still frozen, and it won't be unfrozen until the bank gets $15,000 dollars for the Exploder, and they added another $2,000 because they think he is driving it with no insurance. When the bank was talking to Jen about it, she told them that he is keeping up on the insurance payments on it, but they turned it around and said that she said he didn't have insurance on it. And the home equity loan needs to get caught up also before she can get to her money.
She is supposed to meet him at the bank tomorrow morning to sign some papers about the loans, and then he wants to talk about some things. I bet you ten to one, he's going to tell her he wants custody of the boys, and she will have to pay him child support.
Let's back track just a bit though. After she told me all of this, I lit into her. I told her that she needs to see her lawyer now before he takes her for everything and she doesn't even have a pot to piss in. So then she comes at me with the "How do you fall out of love with someone?"
Are you fucking kidding me?
I think he's given you several hundred reasons over the last four months to fall out of love with him. I don't understand how you can be in love with someone who shits on you. I just don't get it. "Well it's not that easy," she tells me. You are the one who is not making it easy. Let him go. You don't need that kind of crap in your life. And I told her that all his talk about her ruining him, is coming from the whore. That bitch could sell him ocean front property in Arizona, and he'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.
Jen wants to wait and see what he has to say tomorrow, before she contacts her lawyer. Frankly, I think it's going to be to late. She should have been talking with the lawyer last week, and getting some kind of protection from him.
She told me that she was going to do some serious thinking tonight...I hope she realizes she needs to get her head out of her ass. I didn't think about mentioning to her about Fred wanting the boys until after we hung up. I'm going to call her in the morning, and give her a heads up as to what I think he might say. I did tell her that if she needed some support, I could meet her at the bank. The only problem I might have is supressing the need to kick the living shit out of Fred.
So if I don't post for a while, you can probably assume my ass is sitting in the slammer! ;-) Send bail money please!
You know, part of the reason Jen doesn't want to let go, and this is just my opinion, is that she's had him in her life for so long, she's probably afraid of being alone. Why is it that when strong women have a man in their life that leaves them, they think they can't be on their own? Why do they feel that they have to have a man in their lives to validate themselves? I'm sure you can say the same for some guys too.
There's a big hot air balloon festival in town this weekend. I'm looking forward to it very much. I plan on taking lots of pics! I need to go through my camera and do some erasing. I think most of them have been downloaded to my computer. I took some new ones on Saturday while I was watching the kids, and those have to be done.
Final thoughts on N/T...quite a hot button topic of Scientology to be bringing into a story line...and do you think Christian is gay?
Dicuss it amongst yourselves....