Winter Chill...
Deal or no deal?
(2006-09-30, 5:57 p.m.)
SIL called me this morning. Her mom couldn't watch Turk today because her grandma got stung by a bee and they all had to go to the hospital. She wanted to know if it was going to be okay to watch both kids today.
Oh sweet Jesus.
Like I was going to say no.
I picked them up at SIL place of employment, and then dropped Turk off and the parental units so Baby Girl and I could run some errands.
The day was rather uneventful. Both kids ate their lunches, Turk took a short morning nap.
It was the afternoon that got a little...janky. BG didn't want to take a nap, so her behavior was to act up, whine, cry, generally make a ruckus. All while mom was trying to get Turk to sleep. Finally, I grabbed her and sat her on my lap, and told her she was in a timeout for not being quiet.
She didn't like that.
More fussiness ensued. She was tired, but didn't want to admit it. After only 30 minutes, Turk woke up, so I decided it was time to go to the World of Wally and get my cat litter. Off BG and I go. Did our shopping there, and I wanted to come home to check if my CD had arrived, and it did! Yeah go me!
Well...wouldn't you know it, on the way home someone fell asleep in the car. I drove around town for a half an hour just so she could sleep. I'm that kind of Auntie....
When we got back to mom's, took her in the house, and she fell back asleep on the sofa. Things were going great, until she woke up. She was a crabby monster. Crying, whining, didn't want to be held, didn't want to be left alone. Thankfully SIL was there within 5 minutes, and got her somewhat calmed down. Then SIL tells us that BG was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night. That would have be helpful to know earlier.
Anyways, I will love my niece and nephew to the end of the earth..but damn, I'm glad I don't have kids. I'm just not cut out for that kind of stuff. I applaud those of you who do have children, but that is just not my cup o'tea.
Oh..and how could I forget. When we went to get the cat food, they had kittens there!! Oh they were so damn cute too. One was all black, two black and white, and one that is charcoal grey....I'm loving that one. They are only about 4 weeks old.
Someone please stop me...
Anyways...the throat is still freaking sore, and hurts. I've been popping advil like candy...and it helps somewhat. Let's hope a good nights rest will do the trick.
As for tomorrow...Tom is supposed to come over in the afternoon and hang, so that will be fun.
I'm importing my CD to iTunes and it is taking forever!
Well, it is now 6:30 and me thinks perhaps a nice hot shower and into my jammers will be a good thing.
I know, I'm all over the with it...