Winter Chill...
Spa day
(2006-10-15, 6:19 p.m.)
Note to self:
Doing housework while wearing heels is not a good thing to do. Feetsies hurt after a while. Please don't do it again! Unless your 25 year old hottie from Florida is here to rub them for you!

Last night was a bad night for me. I don't know what was going on, but I was awake every hour. It pretty much sucked. So today I've been dragging ass, which sucks even more!

I did get the house cleaned this morning. I still have a few dishes to do, but I can get those done tomorrow after breakfast.

I went over to mom and dad's this afternoon, to give mom her card. I really didn't want to just sit there, so mom and I went to Warmbier Farms to see what new stuff they have. Surprisingly, I didn't buy anything for me. I did buy mom a pair of socks that have kitties on them, for her birthday.

After that I came home and started my spa day. It's been a very long time since I've pampered myself, so I thought today would be a good day. I really need to get into the habit of doing this more often. I've got two loads of laundry to do, so tonight is going to be an easy night.

Yesterday, after work, Sharon and I went and looked at the house. Sadly, they didn't want me to take pictures, so I have nothing to show you! I know that they don't want anyone else to copy their house plan..but gosh!
Sharon didn't want to go to the mall with me, so off I went in search of a black cardigan sweater. I found it, and there was a sale, so I got another teal colored one for half off! I made a quick detour into Bath & Body Works for some Japanese Cherry Blossom spray, and then it was off to get my nails done. I was there for over an hour. I didn't realize it,but there were two local high schools having Homecoming last night. Ugh....

So last night was spent watching the Detroit Tigers sweep the Oakland A's to advance to the World Series. I was so excited when they won. I was screaming at the telly, jumping around the living room, and twisted my ankle a bit. But it's worth it!

I think it's time for a little siesta...