Winter Chill...
Crazy nightmare!
(2006-11-07, 7:36 a.m.)
You know how they say that if you eat something spicy before you go to bed that you can have weird dreams?
Well, I didn't have anything to eat before I crashed last night, but damn, I had a doozy of a dream.
Well, more like a nightmare.
And you know how they say that your dreams are your subconscious telling you what you want?
Riiiight...I don't want what happened in my dream to happen in real life.
Moving on...
I have some errands to run this morning before going to work. I'm not going to go vote until Mike comes into work, and then I will go. I know it's going to be to crazy first thing this morning.
Is it Friday yet?
I'm sorry, I'm so disjointed right now...