Winter Chill...
Me and a triathalon?
(2006-11-11, 5:36 p.m.)
I signed up to do the triathalon! I still can't believe it myself. Its actually a mini-triathalon....we will be doing a quarter mile swim, a 10 mile bike ride, and a three mile run. My plan is to continue loosing weight, and start an execise program. I have a stationary bike in the shed, that I will be getting out, and I'm trying to convince mom and dad to give me their treadmill. That sits in the corner of my old bedroom doing nothing but collecting dust! I will put it to good use! In talking with Laura yesterday, the group isn't going to start training until April, but I figured I'm getting started early, to keep me motivated! Oh yeah....and it's on August 18th. As I know more info...I will pass it would be awesome to have my own cheerleading section!