Winter Chill...
How do people get along in this world?
(2006-12-08, 11:48 p.m.)
I try really hard not to judge people to harshly. I really do. But sometimes, I come across someone who totally confuses me as to how they can function as a human being.
There is a woman at the hospital who fits that description.
I get to work a bit early, it gives me time to change into my scrubs, freshen up the make-up, and just mentally get myself ready for work. During this time, I'm not punched in. So don't come up to me and ask me, "Did you get the note about the spiral things?"
What spiral things are you talking about? The spiral butt plug that I'm going to get and not so gently shove up your ass?
As nicely as I could muster, I asked her what she was talking about. Someone left a note for me in my notebook about ordering spiral calendars two days ago. Hmm....I was off two days ago, so I didn't see the note, and said person has scribbled over it, so I had no idea it was there. Then I told her that last night I ordered Kronos comments pages, and a appoinment calendar for them. I also printed out the order, so they could keep track of it. And Yvonne wrote a note saying I did the above ordering.
It really makes me wonder how some people get as far in the world that they do.
Time for bed...I have to watch the kids tomorrow....