Winter Chill...
New template...
(2006-12-16, 9:31 p.m.)
Yep...I was bored I played with my template. This isn't the other one I had saved from a couple of weeks ago. But since my laptop is still in the sick stages, I had to go with something new. And I'm digging it, or I wouldn't have put it up there!
Today was rather un-eventful. Work was boring, I only had two people come in and two phone calls! On the positive side, I got Sandi's paper rewritten so I don't have that to deal with. When I got home, I vacuumed the house, and swept the kitchen, and then promptly fell asleep for a nap. It was a good one too!
Dinner was ordered online and delivered while I got the kids gifts wrapped. Now it's time to talk to Traci, she just IM'd me...