Winter Chill...
(2006-12-22, 11:20 a.m.)
Yeah...I need to play around some more with my template.

Anyway...last night was our little christmas party/gift exchange between Sharon, Allyson, Yvonne and I. We ordered Chinese, that I picked up before work, and had that for dinner.
MMMMMMM....Princess Chicken, egg drop soup and an egg roll please! Like I would pick anything other than Princess Chicken! Silly.

Well, the night was busy as usual. Most people are trying to get stuff in before the end of the year, and a new deductible next year. We didn't do our gift exchange until we were in the locker room getting to ready to leave. Allyson gave me some chocolate scented body lotion and some socks that say something along the lines of...I've been good most of the year. Yvonne hooked me up with a gift card to Kohl' of my favorite stores ever! And Sharon made me a quilted lap blanket with kitties on it. It is beautiful!
Today I was up at the semi butt crack of's been raining and cloudy all there really wasn't an actually showing of the butt crack. Unless you count the guy the other day at the hospital. He bent over to pick something off the floor, and literally half his ass was showing. Annie and I looked at each other...and a fit of giggles commenced.
But I digress....
I was in and out of Meijers quickly and home to wrap gifts. I'm all done but one, I need a bigger box for it, and I will get it this afternoon at work. I'm thinking I might go in early, to get out early....
So if that is the case, I need to go take a shower. Oh..good news on the the tile shop front. It looks like that guy isn't going to buy it. Which makes me happy! And also...Saginaw boy wrote me back today...he's been busy with trying to find a job. And...I emailed another guy yesterday who had looked at my profile. I just told him what my messenger name was, since I figured out what his was. And if he wanted to add me that was cool, if not, I wished him luck in his search. I signed on this morning, and he has sent me a note, and added me! The dude is 6'4", and he used to work at one of the Harley Dealership in the I'm guess he's got a bike!
In the immortal words of Wayne and Garth, "Schwing!!" As much as a girl can schwing!!
Later amigos!!