Winter Chill...
Crazy days!!
(2006-12-29, 12:11 a.m.)
Crazy insane days coming up! I have to get up early tomorrow, and hit the grocery store. I told SIL I would make my enchilada meatballs for Turk's bday party. Oy! I need to go and get that stuff and a couple of gifts for Nilliem's kidlets! Then it's to work, and work some more. Tomorrow night will consist of making said meatballs, before crashing in bed.
Saturday goes a little something like this...
Work 10-1.
Turk's Bday party 3-5ish.
Christmas with Nilliem and family 6-?.
Possibly hitting the Pub that night...just depends. We are definitely going out on New Years, so we might just chill on Saturday night.
Boy Front...haven't heard from the Curator, and chatted briefly with the Engineer last night. It sounds like his divorce is fairly recent, so I'm not sure how ready he is for something else. But if I gain a friend...than that's cool. Myspace Boy, we're exchanging messages, I haven't fully decided I want to totally get involved. I'm waiting to hear from him about my last email I sent.
I'm so I'm off to slumber!