Winter Chill...
I finally got the treadmill!
(2007-01-01, 8:00 p.m.)
Chris was in town today, so I got to spend some time with him. It was actually quite funny. I asked him to take me to the tile shop so I could feed Macy, and he looks at me and says, "You need a man in your life. Becuase if you took care of a man like you do a cat, you'd never be alone."
Well...that's true, but I'm picky.
Anyway. We got the treadmill from the parentals. And it has a nice odor of stale cigarette smoke hanging around it. Sadly, Febreeze doesn't work on plastic. We also hit Kohl's and I got two pair of tennis shoes, one for work, and one for working out at home. So tomorrow morning will be my first official workout, wish me luck. If I don't update for a few days, it just means that I'm DEAD!
Oh...and I thought this was really nice. I got an email last night from the Curator. Now he had told me in an email that he doesn't have internet at home. So he got online where ever he was at, to wish me a happy new year. Again...very nice.
Tom called me last night, and we had more good conversation, even after our dinner talks. I'm not sure what I have going next week, but I think we are going to do dinner again.
I've got some HTML work to do...