Winter Chill...
My favorite things that start with C
(2007-01-06, 9:37 p.m.)
I'm always up for a good meme. Tia had a cool one the other day. I asked politely, and she hooked me up with the letter C., in no particular order, are my 10 favorite things that start with C!!

1. Candles. If you've been reading me for a while, you know that a good chuck of my freezer space is taken up with candles. I love how they can bring back a memory, or the ambiance you get from the candlelight. I'm more of a fresh scented candle kind of girl, you know, anything that smells like the outdoors. I do have a fondness for the berry scent too.

2. Cooking. In all it's forms. And frankly, I'm a pretty damn good cook too. Those of you who have tasted any number of fabulous creations that come from my kitchen will agree. Sara's got it going on when she's in the kitchen.

3. Calvin & Hobbes. Yeah...I think that's pretty self evident. A little trivia about me, Calvin & Hobbes were my first two tattoos.

4. Cats. Umm...I think anyone who has as many cats as I do, has to love them. I mean why else have so many?

5. Comedy Central. I'm all about the comedy man. Anything that can get me giggling like a school girl, or a giant belly laugh, is A-OK in my book!

6. Creativity. In all its forms. I tend to spend my free time being creative. Whether its crocheting a blanket, cross-stitching a stocking for Baby Girl, or designing my garden for next year. I am hoping that I can find more time this year to start painting and drawing again too.

7. Cards. Both kinds. I love getting cards, bday, christmas, vday cards. And they have to be funny. I don't like those serious, sappy, sentimental cards. Bleh! I also love playing cards. Euchre ranking up there as a favorite, along with a great card game I have called Wizard! I used to play a game with my grandfather called Smear. If anyone has ever heard of it let me know...I'd like to learn it again!

8. The Colts and the PaCkers. My two favorite football teams. 'Nuff said!

9. Croaking frogs and chirping crickets. Who doesn't like being in bed at night with the windows opened listening to the night sounds? If anyone tells me they don't, I might just have to think you are a communist or something.

10. Coke floats. Well, actually I prefer Pepsi floats, but since I got C instead of P, you get my drift. The best part of a float, when you pour the soda over the ice cream, and it freezes on it, just like a popsicle. Yummy! And then the goodness that is a mixture of soda and melted ice cream...Ah....heaven!

So there you be. 10 of my favorite things that starts with C!