Winter Chill...
Another conversation with the Curator
(2007-01-28, 1:54 p.m.)
A little more of the dance was done last night between the Curator and me. It was okay though. I did come right out and ask him when we are going to meet. He said something about doing dinner this week, and my response was, "Well, if you want to come to the hospital and see me in my smoking hot periwinkle scrubs, and eat hospital food, let's do it!" He thought that was pretty funny. So I told him that I know I have to work Monday and Thursday for sure, so lunch is a possibility on one of my days off too. He did say that he has been and is looking forward to meeting me.
I think that is a good sign.
Bad sign, he asked me the dreaded "how many cats do you have?" question. I told him, that I wasn't going to tell him yet, I don't want him to freak out. Then he asked if I was the Cat Lady, and I said yes, I am. I'm sure he has a pretty good idea that it's not just a couple. Then he made the comment about why every girl he likes has lots o' cats. Good sign there I think. He tells me that he's allergic to cats, and I said to him, "That's why drugs were invented!"
But I'm getting to far ahead of myself.
I came home from my errands yesterday to find two boxes of books on my deck! So yesterday afternoon in between naps, I scanned over my new booty! One of the books is this one, and I have found some very interesting things out so far. As I get deeper into the book, I'll share some of the tidbits!
Oh..we were talking about tattoos last night too, and I told him what my next idea is for a tat. He thought it was way cool, as do I! Sorry, not going to share it until I get it done! I'm going to go to see Jim Tuesday afternoon and see if he can draw something up for me and get me a price.
I'm waiting to hear from Tom...he is supposed to come over today and go to dinner at Bennigans. We talked this morning, and so far he is coming, but who knows what will have happened since then.
Later Peeps!