Winter Chill...
Tattoo and Brendan
(2007-03-16, 11:18 p.m.)
I went to the tattoo shop today, and ended up talking with Jonathon, who is freaking hot! He's got a British accent, so that makes him all the more yummy! Anyway...talked with him about my idea, which he likes, and thinks is very cool! He's going to work up a drawing over the next couple of days and then get me in there to check it out!
I had a great conversation tonight with my friend Brendan. He happens to live in Australia, and we don't get a chance to talk that often. Since I had today off, I was home when he was online. I sent him a couple of recent pics of me, and he loved them. He wants a couple of full size shots, and I told him it was kind of hard to take those kind by yourself! Sadly, we had to cut our conversation short, his wife came home, and she doesn't like me. Doesn't matter that I've never even met Brendan, I just know him through the net. Apparently I have some superpower that allows me to steal husbands away from their wives. Or at least that's how she tells it.
Okay...time to get comfy on the sofa to finish watching basketball!