Winter Chill...
New Tattoo!
(2007-03-16, 10:27 a.m.)
I'm going to get tattooed this afternoon! I finally have some cash saved up, and I'm going to see how much my idea will cost me! Even if I just get the outlines done today, that's cool. If by chance, it's way more than what I thought, I still want to get what I have on my right shoulder, put on the left. So if that's not to much, I will get that done instead! Only I'm thinking, instead of purple flowers, getting pink. Which, I'm not the biggest fan of pink, but this will be a bright hot pink color, not Pepto Pink! But, now that I'm looking at a picture on my wall, orange doesn't look to bad with purple either. Oh the decisions I have to make!
I also need to go get a new battery for my home phone. I also talked with Bro this morning. I'm going to head out to their house tonight to see everyone and have dinner with them. I need to scoot, so I can come home and get my afternoon nap in!