Winter Chill...
Hodge podge medley
(2007-03-27, 11:36 p.m.)
Guess who I got to play boobie basketball with today?
Yep, that's right, Eric. It wasn't the traditional sense of boobie basketball, which is trying to get ice down someone's shirt. Today it was staples. Eric stood accross the desk from me, had the stapler opened, and was shooting staples at me. A couple of times he would have had something go there, but I block it with my head. Oh...and how could I forget to tell you about his ass. Yesterday, he was complaining that he had to portage a buttload of tile up the stairs. I just casually mentioned that it was good for tightening up his butt muscles. He looked at me, and didn't say a word. Hehe....
As he was leaving yesterday, I told him that his ass was looking fine from all that work on the stairs he's been doing. Then he did a little shake for me as he walked out the door. I swear, if this was a real job, I would be so fired for harrassment.
Get this...there are two surgeries scheduled for Thursday. Yes, two. Sure, there is the possibility of docs adding on, but really. Close the OR down for a day, just keep a crew on call for emergencies. That's what would happen if I ran the place. Course, most of the people that work there would be fired too!
Anyone who knows me...knows I have a thing for beaded evening bags. Well...Sara found herself a really great deal on one today. I took a break and went down to the gift shop to wander for a bit. On the wall were three very cool beaded bags, a pink one, aqua one and lilac one. I looked at the prices and they were $21 dolllars. Not a bad price, but I need to think about it. I didn't see the price on the lilac one, but I figured it to be the same. When I picked it up, it was marked $9.50!! I double checked it everywhere, to make sure that there wasn't another tag, and I couldn't find one.
Oh hell yeah! That bag did not leave my grasp until it was time to check out. Would you like to see it?
I thought so....

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I realize that they aren't the best pics. But it's a lilac background with multi-colored beads and sequins!
I have decided that I'm going to request dinero for my bday. Even if it's just $20 bucks from mom and dad, that's more money in my pocket for my next tattoo. Which the new one is healing nicely. It's peeling now, and it's driving me nuts. I just want to rip the dead skin off, but I can't! What's really going to suck is when it starts itching. Did I mention that Jonathon has a faeryy drawing posted on the wall that he wants to do on someone? And he'd only charge $90 buck for it. I'm really tempted....
No contact from the PT today either by phone or email. I'm not taking that as any kind of sign, just relief on my end.
I'm tired, it's been a long day, and three more to go.
Seeing as how it looks like my date(haha, yeah whatever!) with the Curator is not going to happen Saturday, mom wants to go shopping for bathroom stuff. They are re-doing the bathroom, and of course, she wants my opinion on stuff.
Night all!