Winter Chill...
I'm down with the sickness
(2007-03-29, 11:22 p.m.)
I don't know what happened to me last night. The last hour at work, I got cold. That is so not like me. Plus, you know how sometimes when you take an antibiotic, and they tell you to take it with food, it might cause stomach discomfort? That's what it felt like for me, stomach cramps. Not constant, just occasionally. I still have them today as a matter of fact. Anyways, the drive home last night, I was chattering like crazy. Didn't matter how warm the car was, I was freezing. I got home, was online for two minutes, and then curled up on the sofa with my fuzzy blanket and some beasties. Cranked the heat up, and tried to get warm. I think I was out not long after that, and was in a dead sleep this morning until 5:30 when I woke to hit the bathroom. And then, what was worse, I fell back asleep, but it wasn't a restful sleep, like I had been having. Today was very tiring. Hospital seemed to last forever, but with only four cases today, really, how much stocking can you do?
Please please please, whenever you are in a car, be aware of your surroundings. I don't care if you are driving or in the passenger seat. Working in the OR, you get a new perspective on life.
End of PSA.
One more full day of working both places! I was talking with mom today, and I told her, I'm sleeping in on Saturday, so I hope she doesn't expect to go shopping in the morning. She's driving me bonkers already too. I told her, if we go to Builders, I can get the stuff she needs from them, and get a discount by ordering it through the tile shop. She's doesn't want to go there. Hello!! Deep discount!! You already have the vanity and cabinet from Bro, so there's some money you are saving!
There's only a tiny little piece of dead skin that still needs to come off the tattoo!
I had an IM from the PT last night. He was nice in the fact that he wanted to know if I was feeling better.(For the record, meh, yes and no.) BUT...then he went and made it all schmarmy with...Please talk to me sometime.
Hurling has commenced!
Later peeps!