Winter Chill...
Happy Birthday Peyton, Eli, and Karma
(2007-04-05, 12:28 p.m.)
I can hardly believe it....but Peyton, Eli, and Karma will be "2 years old" on Saturday.
This picture, they are around a month old. And it was taken with my cell phone, so that's why it's not teh best resolution and smaller.

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This is the most recent of Peyton, for some reason, he like to show off his lack of testicles!

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This is Eli and Karma, with a little bit of Onyx thrown in.

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I have been invited to go to a wedding on Saturday. Mom and dad got the invite last Saturday, for a guy who used to live in the neighborhood. When mom called to tell him she and dad would be there, he made sure to let her know that Bro and I are invited. I have to work, and the wedding is at 2, in their yard. It's supposed to be high of 37 and snow showers. The neato thing if I go, JimI will be there. I know you guys are going, "who the hell is that?" Lets just say he has a very special place in my heart among other things. I guess it's going to depend on when Chris get here, if I go.
Time for some lunch!!