Winter Chill...
The wedding cake and other things
(2007-04-08, 11:23 p.m.)
Not much to report today. I was online last night doing research for the wedding. I have come up with some fabulous ideas for decorations, along with the cake that Nilliem and I are going to give them.

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Most likely, Nilliem will make it, and I will decorate it. Also, there will be no Santa, but definitely the reindeer pulling the sleigh.
I spent most of the afternoon at the parental units house, waiting for Bro's family to show up. Turk is so funny, he's walking around now, and gets into everything! He even knows when he's not supposed to do something, because he stops, looks at you, and give you the big old smile. Baby Girl was a bit of a brat today, when I gave her her gift. She didn't like it, and told me to take it back, so I told her I would. It was a cute pair of froggy jammers. I know she'll wear them, she was just being crabby.
My car didn't start this afternoon when I went to leave. So in talking with Chris tonight, I told him that if I needed to have work done on the car, I might not be able to come down this weekend. He was cool with that, I know he doesn't want me to get stranded somewhere.
Oh...the PT has a retraction this morning posted on Myspace. Basically, he had gotten the email from someone else, and made it sound like this person didn't like Christians. She called him out on the carpet and said don't put me in with your generalizations.
But still, walking away from the wanker!! Thanks Smash, I forgot how much I love that word!
I have the boys in the morning, so I should get going. Jen's divorce will be final tomorrow. She's out on the Eek/Harmony site looking for someone already. I hope she doesn't go all "I'm still in love with my ex" on them.
Night peeps!