Winter Chill...
Insurance and a job at a tattoo parlor!!
(2007-04-10, 10:40 a.m.)
I'm not having a good day. It started last night, when I got home to find a letter in the mail from my insurance company, telling me that my house insurance had been cancelled since I didn't pay it by April 4th. I stopped in on April 3rd, and made the payment, according to the late notice payment I had. So, apparently they sent out a notice to me on the 4th that it has been cancelled, and I had a balance of $20.26. How could I have a balance when I paid it according to what you people sent me? I'm hold right now with one of the worker bees, she's in the computer looking everything up. If I have to get my insurance re-instated, I'm going to be very annoyed! Because they want lots of money up front to do that. I'm hoping that they figure out it was a mistake on their part, and I don't have anything extra to pay!
Yeah, right, we know that I don't have that kind of luck!! Okay....I'm a bit slow. What I paid last week was for my auto insurance. DER!! It's only going to cost me 50 bucks to get it re-instated.
Anyway...last night when I got online, there was a bulletin from Black Ball Tattoo, they are looking for counter help/sterilization tech. Oh my. I would LOVE to work there!! The bad thing is, they are open 12-8 or 12-10 depending on the day. They also stated that you would have to come in early, and stay later. If they would be willing to work around the hospital and my two days here, that would be the shiznit!! I realize I'm asking a lot, but I did work in the sterile processing dept at the hospital, so I know all about sterile technique. And I have killer computer, organizational and phone skillz. I would actually be willing to back my hours up at the hospital to work 3-11:30 if it meant staying there 10-2 or something.
I know you are asking, "girl, you already have two jobs, why would you take on another?" Hello, discount on tattoos, and the reason I work two jobs as it is, is to avoid any kind of relationship with a man. You can't get close to someone if you are never around, hence never having your heart broken.
The things I do for the masses....