Winter Chill...
It's 5 am do you know where I'm at?
(2007-04-16, 4:50 a.m.)
This is very dis-jointed...I'm sorry! I've been awake for the past hour, and it seems nothing I do, will help me go back to sleep. So here I am. The not so pleasant issue at hand, in about an hour, the boys will be here. If I get sleepy in the mean time, what's the point is trying to get back to sleep? There is none. Actually, I know why I can't sleep. I slept in yesterday until almost 11.
I did get the house picked up yesterday. Then spent a couple hours buying music at the old iTunes store. I was very happy to see that they finally got Doggystyle by Snoop Dogg in their catalog. I've been considering purchasing it online at eBay, and never got around to it. A couple of songs off of that were added to my library! I also picked up some Eurythmics, Jefferson Airplane, Norah Jones, Bright Eyes, and a few more. I still have a few dollars left too!
Since I didn't get my laundry started last night until after 11, I've got one load in the dryer, and the other in the washing machine now. I guess there are advantages to being awake this early! Ha...
I'm still waiting for confirmation about the tickets for DMB. I just checked, and I'm still "processing".
I should go hit the shower before they get here. That way, I could go crash for an hour before I have to take Mark to school!