Winter Chill...
Blowing a biscuit!
(2007-05-25, 9:45 a.m.)
Good news! I found my license! Of course, I didn't find it until this morning, and when I did, it was hiding in plain sight! I had moved everything on my kitchen counter last night, but a pair of gloves. So this morning, on a whim I picked them up, and "Ta da!!" there it was. Can you say "D'oh!"
I've just got finished painting my toes, and they look marvy! I was able to find a cool lavender/purple polish this morning. Now one toe is silver and the other is lavender, and it follows that pattern. I'm not sure what I want to do with my fingernails though. I could do a silver base, and then french it with the lavender. Oh..that would be cool! I can't wait until 4th of July. I paint my nails to look like the American flag. It's time consuming, but fun!
I got an email from my friend Brendan yesterday. I love him. I was telling him about my weekend, and he wrote me back and said, "I often think how lucky Chris is...getting to spend the weekend away with you anywhere would sure cheer me up!"
Gosh, you'd think I had some espresso this morning, the way I'm bouncing off the walls.'s a funny for you. Yesterday at work, I had to call Tara, my super, about something being out of stock. She didn't answer, so as I was leaving my message, I wanted to say, blow a gasket, but instead I said, blow a biscuit. Oh sweet jebus. I thought that was the funniest thing ever, and started laughing. Alan was down there with me, and he didn't think it was that funny. What he did think was funny was hitting the remote on his fart machine, and started teasing me about "blowing a biscuit". I was laughing so hard, the tears were flowing, and I cried all my make-up off me.
Yesterday was a day that I needed a release like that, and damn, did it feel freaking good!
I'm off to paint my fingernails now!!