Winter Chill...
The day of golfing and a baseball game
(2007-06-22, 11:26 p.m.)
Okay...Wednesday at the golf outing. Good times good times! I was lucky in the fact that I got put in the same cart as Eric. For some reason, the NASCAR driver came out in him, and we were burning up the cart paths. Naturally, with all that crazy driving, I kept sliding into him, I couldn't stop it.
Anywhoo...we started on hole 14, which was a par 3, and along the right side of the course, were 5 houses. Eric goes up first, and sliced his ball, in the direction of the houses.
Mike went next, and he must have thought Eric's ball needed company, because he went the same direction.
Jill followed, and her ball sliced that way too. After Jill hit her ball, we heard "Knock it off!" coming from one of the houses.
It appears that all three balls hit the same house. But, when you build your house on a fucking golf course, what do you expect? After I hit my ball, which went straight btw, when we got up to where it was at, we could see the crabby woman on the phone. We figured she was calling the golf course to bitch.
Get over youself.
After that, we just has so much fun, it was great. I think we ended up 2 over, which is good, we're getting better every year. I have to admit, since we had a DD, I drank a little too much. Blame Eric, he kept buying drinks, after I used mine and his tickets! Lunch was awesome, but dinner was even better. I think they got wise to me though. Last year, they had a warmer full of cooked mushrooms, and I would be greedy and take two heaping spoonfuls, you know, I love me some fungus. This year, they had some woman passing the shrooms out.
I got lots more sun on Wednesday too! Everyone has been commenting on how dark I'm getting.
Thursday was a jam-packed day too! I had to work at the tile shop in the morning, then haul ass to the hospital and work half a shift. And damn, I must say, I got alot of work crammed in 4.5 hours. Jill and I decided we would go to the game together, since she had the parking pass.
We get there, and get up the to suite, and wow...sweet is the word. Very schwanky, and very modern. The food was divine too! They also bring a dessert cart around, and OH MY GOODNESS. I had a piece of Key Lime Pie...I think I had an orgasm...
And you want to know the really weird thing about the whole night? I don't think Eric & I said more than 15 words to each other. It's not like he had a date with him, he brought his best friend's dad as his guest. After all the flirting, and body parts touching that we did on Wednesday, and no, not the parts I wanted to be touching, we acted like last night was the first night we'd ever met. What pops into my head is that, Wednesday could have been the day for things to go farther, but neither of us took that step, and now we don't know how to act around each other.
Or it could be me just being a dork and thinking too much!
Yesterday, I checked my email at work, and I had a message from Traci, my friend in GR, but it was from her friend's email addy. She wanted to make sure she had my addy right, and wanted to introduce me to this guy, she thinks we'd make good friends. So we emailed a bit yesterday, and I found out that this is one of her quadraplegics that she takes care of, and he's just looking for new friends. We've been chatting on Google, and he's very nice, has two little Yorkies, Bucky and Nichols. It sounds like Bucky is a little slow in the head. Well, in Scott's words, he's a little retarded.
Tomorrow, I really want to be up at the butt-crack to hit the farmers market, then some shopping at Wally World. I called Lowe's tonight, and tomorrow I want to go get that AC unit I saw on the website. The house needs a serious cleaning, and I have to make my jello shots too. So while I have things to do, it's not going to be crazy busy. Just a nice lazy day, because of all the fun I'm going to have on Sunday!
So with that, I need to go make a grocery list, and hit the sack!