Winter Chill...
Busy day tomorrow with the kidlets!
(2007-07-06, 11:25 p.m.)
Bro called me today. Wanted to know if I would watch the kidlets tomorrow. So I will be up at the butt crack of dawn, which is not what I wanted to do. I was hoping for some late slumber, and then worshipping of the sun.
I am hoping to hit the Farmer's Market before I head to Bro's house, since it's on the way there. I'm getting low on maters for my toasted tomato sandwiches.
I finally saw Kristen tonight at dinner. She has a hella busy schedule over the next month. She's flying to Baltimore for an interview at Johns Hopkins, Cleveland for the Cleveland Clinic and to Durham for Duke. She has a couple more, but didn't get that far to tell me. I had her pencil in when I'm on vacation in August, but she had a ton of stuff going on that week too.
Regardless of where she goes, I told her that I will take a vacation and come and visit her!
So that was my exciting day today. The tile shop was nice and quiet while I was there too.
Tom and I are doing lunch on Sunday, and then going to see a movie. Ratatouille looks good, as does Transformers.
I need to wind down for a busy day tomorrow!
Later peeps!