Winter Chill...
A good interview again!!
(2007-07-20, 10:17 p.m.)
Doesn't it suck when you get out of work early, and there isn't a damn thing you really want to do? I should go grocery shopping, but Meijers is having some Harry Potsmoker party, and I don't really want to deal with that. I thought I'd go get a new Christopher Moore book at BN, but they are having a party too. So...I guess things are going to have to wait until tomorrow.
As for that, the plan is to get up, hit the farmers market, then groceries. Get the buttinski back home to do my last minute clean up, then off to get Baby Girl around 4 and then Storm and Cloud at 4. I called Eric today to see if I could borrow his grill tomorrow to do pizzas, and he never called me back. So we might just have to make normal pizzas.
The interview went well, up until I had to take a "Basic Math Test", which wasn't basic at all. It was mostly algebra, which I haven't done in ages! So I don't know. The worse they can tell me is "No", and I'm stuck in the shithole for a bit longer. They did tell me that they are looking for the person to start right away. Give the obliglatory 2 weeks notice at their other job, and get started in the pharmacy. They told me that there are roughly 3000 drugs I would have to learn too. Oh, yes, there were 4 people in on the interview also. Which wasn't to bad, I had one where there were 8 people. I think that they liked the fact that I like afternoons and midnights over days too. So by the end of next week, I should know if I'm moving on or not!
I got a card in the mail from Jenn and the boys today. It was very nice, thanking me for all the help last year, and a $100 gift card to the mall. Which she totally didn't have to do, and I will tell her that when I talk to her tomorrow! It was also pretty funny, she wrote something, and then said, Love and Hugs! (You don't get any kisses, I'm not desparate enough to start kissing girls!!)
I think I need to go take out my eyes, they are getting a bit dry, and get some sleep!