Winter Chill...
Bonuses R Us!
(2007-07-26, 11:34 p.m.)
We got our bonuses today! It's enough for me to get my new laptop, which is going to be tomorrow morning, and put a chuck away for my tattoo. And I really shouldn't go get my laptop tomorrow, because I will want to play with it all morning, instead of making cookies. But I can do both, I'm the queen of multi-tasking! I haven't fully decided if I'm going to give up my desktop just yet. I might keep it around to keep my pics and writings on.
I still haven't heard from the pharmacy dept about the job, but they said by the end of the week. So I still have tomorrow to get the phone call. I did check the mail tonight in case they sent me a letter, and nothing like that in the box, so that's good.
I told Doris I would look for flights to Atlanta for her tonight, so I'm off to check them out!