Winter Chill...
Two things, peppermint brownies and job info!
(2007-07-31, 12:03 a.m.)
Two things.
Since the peppermint crunch chips are MIA until the holidays, I decided to post the recipe for the peppermint fudge brownies. The ingredients should be easily available, no matter where you live at.

1 16oz package of premade fudge brownie mix (which I found with all the premade cookie dough in the dairy cooler)
1C mini marshmallows
2/3C semi-sweet chocolate morsels
1/4C crushed starlight peppermint candies or red and white candy canes

Let the fudge mix sit out for 5-7 minutes, it makes it easier to work with. Grease an 8x8 baking pan, and pour the fudge mix into it. Spread it out as evenly as possible.
Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Remove from oven, and spread cup of mini marshmallows on top, followed by the chocolate chips. Place pan back in the oven for 4-5 minutes, or until marshmallows get puffy, but not brown. Remove from oven and sprinkle crushed peppermint candy over the top. Cool completely before removing from pan. I found that a hot knife cuts through the marshmallow topping, so run the knife under hot water and pat dry between cuttings. I got 16 servings from a pan.
So that's that!
Secondly, I received a phone call today from a woman in HR. Apparently Brian, the director of the pharmacy, was the one who called me last Firday. And he didn't call me to tell me they were offering the job to someone else. He was calling to tell me that I am one of the top canidates for the tech job, but I'd have to take a pay cut. So once I get finished with this, I need to sit down and do some serious calculating. I think if I can get Jill to guarantee me three days, with the occasionally fourth day, I can make up what I will be losing. That just means I will have to curtail my spending ways for a year or two, until I can get back to what I am making now. But I feel that is a small price to pay to get the hell out of the OR. I also found out that there are two positions open, a 2-10:30 and 3-11:30. If I have a choice, I will take the 3pm shift.
Now will Brian on vacation, I don't know if the woman in HR will be able to offer me a job if I agree, or if I have to wait for him. Just think, I could be out of the OR 3-4 weeks, with one of those weeks being my vacation week!
I was doing a happy dance all night! Now I'm going to happy dance to the calculator!!