Winter Chill...
NFL scrubs!!
(2007-08-13, 9:57 a.m.)
I am totally going to order me some of these! And if I have to tell you what teams I'm ordering, you best be reading my archives!
Also, Smash darling, if you are going to plague my dreams, lets do something fun next, mmkay? Unlike last night which involved a Bill Clinton merman, helicopters that magickally transformed into submarines, and The Chad working at the tile shop.
Please don't ask.
This weekend was nice and quiet. Although, I've been trying to get a hold of Doris since last night, and she's not answering. I might have to make a trip over to her house to see if she's even been home. If she hasn't, then her kitties are probably getting low on the food. I can tell that they miss her. I was there for an hour both days, and they were so loving to me. Foxy has a thing with licking your face. And biting your ears. The little shit gave me a wet willie twice!
Went to the fair last night with Bro and the family. Had a good time. Everything that Baby Girl saw, she wanted. And of course, Bro gave into her. Granted, it was only food stuff that she wanted. Thankfully the rides weren't up and running yet, or she would have thrown a fit if he would have told her she couldn't ride anything.
I think this paycheck that I get today, I'm going to go and buy some backup cat food and litter. Just to make sure I have enough when my pay gets cut back. For about 4-5 weeks, I won't be working at the tile shop, since I will be on days, so that is going to be a serious cut in the old finances.
Well...I should get some work done...