Winter Chill...
I have a new tattoo plan!
(2007-09-22, 8:44 p.m.)
Guess what? I know what my next tattoo is going to be!! I was thinking about it today and thought that Perseus on the other side of my leg, with a reflection of Medusa in his shield would freaking rock!! I stopped in to see Jon, and he wanted to know when we could do it. If you want to do it for free, let's do it right now! But he wants to look for a good picture to base it on, and do some sketching.
I was on iTunes today. They have some new music that I want to get. Sadly I have to wait until next week. :-( I was really excited to see that they have 1234 by Feist, which is the song for the new iPod Nano commercial.
Other than that, I've got nothing. It was a nice day, in that I got to sleep in until 7.30!! Go me! I'm not sure what's going on tomorrow. If I had to guess...I'd say a day of football!