Winter Chill...
Hair, hair, and more hair!!
(2007-09-29, 6:01 p.m.)
Kristen called me today. It was nice to hear from her. We talked for an hour and a half, and we are probably going to go to the movies on Wednesday. I also got an invite for her "Passing the Boards" party next weekend. I know she was freaked out about them, but I told her she was going to pass, and she did!
The arm is still icky, but not enough to have to go into Urgent Care. It itches like a mofo now. Grrrr....

So since you've seen the dress, now I need to pick out a hair style. So, I've found some pics of some styles that I like, now you guys get to help me pick out the best one!!'s the dress again....

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And in no particular order, here are some styles that I'm grooving on....


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So there you have it. Let me know what you think!! Now keep in mind, my hair, is long, wavy and layered, with the longest part just above leButtcrack...