Winter Chill...
It's a swirling vortex of chaos...
(2007-10-01, 8:51 p.m.)
I didn't have a good day today. I will be so happy when I'm off of days. It's not that I don't like what I do on days, it's just one person who really got on my nerves today. And I'm pretty sure she annoys some of the other staff too. That's just a guess on my part, but Diane said something to me along those lines.
So what was it? First off, I had taken some Cipro mixes from the IV room, just to get my stock done. Stephanie comes over to me and tells me that I can't take them out of there, in case the IV girls needed them.
Yeah, I freaking know that, I'm just trying to get my stuff done so Mak can check it. I plan on replacing them.
And I told her that. But apparently she didn't like something about it, because when I came out from the backroom, she was talking to a supervisor. That's when Diane made her comment.
Secondly, she likes to go to first break. I don't. Diane asked me when I wanted to go, and since I'm basically on my own, I wanted to go second. Not 30 seconds later, Darla comes back and tells me I have to go to break. The Fuck?
I finished up my shit and went, but I was not a happy camper.
Lastly, Diane had gotten an important phone call, while she was checking the PH balance of the cardio bags. She asked me to take over for her, which entailed sticking a PH tester in a cup of water. I went and found Stephanie after the test finished, since Diane was still on the phone. There were two other bags that needed to be tested, so I went and found Stephanie to let her know what was going on. Diane was getting off the phone and coming over to finish up, Stephanie came out from the IV room, and said, "They aren't going to be doing that". Oh my god. You would have thought I was doing heart surgery. I mean, yes, I know I'm not going to be doing them until I'm a tech II. But I was just holding a tester in a cup of solution.
I just turned around, and walked away and left.
I know that by changing jobs, you always run the risk of having what you left, waiting for you. If that makes sense. I've also gotten the feeling a couple of times that she's a talk about you behind your back kind of person.
Generally, she is someone I plan on avoiding once I'm off of days.
Well, I was going to bitch about how I'm in the "I don't care" mood, but I'm watching The Big Bang Theory and the bitchiness is starting to lift.