Winter Chill...
Always remember everyone wears a mask...
(2007-10-24, 7:54 p.m.)
Well, I did it! I was able to stay awake until 4:30 this morning. I can tell you though, as soon as the laptop was put away, and the light was off, I was out! There was no laying there thinking about things. I slept until 8:45, when nature called. Took care of bidness, and went back to sleep until 11 when I got a phone call.
I got up ran my errands and was home when Jen called me. We must have talked about an hour, when Doris called me. She wanted to know if I was still coming over, and if I had any advil, could I bring it over. I asked what was wrong. She had a hangover headache and had been throwing up.
Because she went out drinking last night after work. I told her that if she was sick and hungover, they won't operate on her. She should have been NPO after midnight last night. I told her to call the doctor's office and find out if they would operate on her. She called me back, today was just a consultation. What a dork.
So I called Jen back and we chatted some more. It appears that she's been seeing Mike, the whore's ex-husband. That put me back for a minute. But what really annoyed me about the whole thing, was that on Sunday she broke down again, and prayed to God that he bring Fred back into her life..blah blah blah. And she hasn't heard from Mike since Monday. So now she thinks that God is going to bring Fred back into her life because Mike hasn't called or texted her. She's been thinking this for the last 18 months, and it still hasn't happened. I told her that maybe Mike has something going on, and hasn't had a chance to call or text. I also told her that I don't think she's giving Mike a fair chance if she keep hoping for Fred back.
Then she told me how they got into a huge fight a couple of weeks ago, because Mark is starting up with the stomach pains again. She took him to the doctor, and he thinks it's stress and that Mark should go see a therapist. Well, Fred doesn't go for that kind of stuff, and the doctor said that if Fred doesn't let him go, it could look bad in court. Something to do with it being against medical advice.
So anyway, I went back to sleep from 2:30-6 and now I'm up for the day/night. Let's just hope I can last until tomorrow at noon.
So now I'm just waiting for POF Guy to get online so we can chat before I go to work. I guess I'm going to have to come up with a different name for him. I got an email from another guy today, it was totally out in left field, and then at the end asked if I would write back. I don't think so...