Winter Chill...
Struggling to keep on the straight and narrow...
(2007-11-03, 4:41 p.m.)
Today was so productive! I did sleep in a bit, but when I did get up, I attacked the house like a fat kid goes after cake. I had a nice little pile of stuff on my counter, I finally went through it and got rid a bunch of crap. I actually have room now to make cookies, which I'm planning on doing tomorrow before going into work. I got the kitchen swept, and the living room vacuumed. I even got the air conditioners out of the windows! The big one from the kitchen is too heavy for me to lift, and Bro came over and helped me put it in the shed. The little one from the bedroom is like a feather compared to the other one.
I made a quick trip to Meijers to get some more stuff I need for tomorrow, and then I came home and made goulash! In one word, DELISH!! I made plenty to take to work for dinner for a few nights too.
That about covers my day. I know, I live the wild life. I could really go for some ice cream though. Last Sunday after dinner with Paul and Doris, I went to Coldstone and got some German Chocolate Cake...I have to say, it does put Baskin Robbins GCC to shame.
No more sightings of my new online, I'm so heartbroken. And...I sent POFG a note, just telling him that my schedule is crazy with my hours, and I'm not sure when I'll be around online again....