Winter Chill...
The yearly display of all things christmas
(2007-11-17, 1:40 p.m.)
Only in Midland can you put a older woman in a wheel chair, next to a christmas tree, in the back of a Ford pickup and call that a parade float. Or a old ambulance re-done for a company called The Drain Surgeon. In case you don�t know it, today was The Santa Parade in Midland. Oh look, an ass! Seriously, some church just came by with an ass in their display. So yes, every year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Midland welcomes Santa for his monthly stint down at the Santa House. And the street is lined with people. What I also find amusing, is that the parade walkers usually throw candy to the kids watching. Some of the walkers look like they�ve been nibbling on the candy they are giving away. There have been a few entries that have horses in them. I think that is probably one of the worst jobs ever, cleaning up horse poo in a parade�
I got my schedule for the last two weeks of the year. When I glanced at it, I was a bit disappointed, I�m scheduled to work New Year�s Eve. Which is the one holiday I don�t want to work. After getting home last night and really looking at it, it seems that there are three people on for that night. So I�m kind of hoping that Sherry just forgot to mark me off, since one of the casual girls is working. Because if I�m supposed to work, I�ll have overtime again that week. So the conundrum of the day is, do I say something about it, and get the day off, or not and get overtime�actually it�s not a conundrum, I want the day off!
Oh yeah, and that fulltime midnights position was posted yesterday. I find it interesting, is that the hours aren�t posted on it. I�ve heard rumors it�s going to be a Sunday-Thursday midnights, and then also a rotating shift like everyone elses. I�ve also heard that if Kim doesn�t get it, she�s going to quit. I thought about signing it, but I think I�ll just stay where I�m at. It may get crazy busy on afternoons, but that�s okay with me.
Oh the parade must be getting over with�the Fairview Inn Double Decker Bus just went by. Usually that means Santa�s not to far behind�and there he is�
I was in the shower this morning, and got this pain in my chestal area. Don�t worry, no heart attack, just needed to crack my sternum. Well, I think it�s something in my back, but it makes my sternum feel much better.

Well...I'm home now, and it's time for lunch and then off to the hospital!