Winter Chill...
Sara, you magnificent bastard!
(2007-11-27, 7:08 p.m.)
I don't know where the time goes anymore. I don't know if it's because of the different hours that I'm working now or what. It just seems like I don't have time to do much of anything.
So anyway...I had to work at the tile shop today, it was slow to say the least. Yesterday, Eric had called about something, and I told him I had a present for him. He never showed up yesterday, but we talked today and he mentioned the present. He thought it was the candy I had bought and put in the jar. But I had a bag of cookies for him also, that I kept, I didn't want anyone else to have them. I told him I still had it with me, but I didn't think he would come in before I left. He said he would come in around 11:30 for lunch. He did, and when he walked in, he came directly to my desk. I grabbed the bag, and tossed it on the counter. He got all wide-eyed and thanked me.
Well duh.
Later he was in talking with Jill, and I had a message to give her. When I went in there, he pretended to punch me, so I lightly punched him in the arm, and told him I was going to take his cookies away from him. He looked at me remorsefully and said, "I love you".
I know you do.
During the morning, I was having some sneezing issues and they seemed to get worse over time. At one point, I could barely breath I was so stuffed up. So what did I do? I started cleaning the front bedroom. Nothing like stiring up more dust to irrate the allergies. I was able to get alot of crap cleared out of there, that makes me happy.
I also was able to get the outside of my house decorated!! I have a stick tree outside with white lights, and then on my railing of the deck, I have some pine bough. I also have 5 lighted snowmen sitting on top of the railing. It all looks very cute.
As far as the inside of the house, I'm leaning towards not putting up my tree. I know, I, who loves this time of year, not in the mood to decorate like normal. But what I have done, I took two strings of lights, and strung them around my living room and kitchen windows. It's very frat house, if I do say so myself.
I got home last night, and there was a lingering odor of cat poo. Which isn't a strech at my house, but I did clean the boxes out in the morning, so it was a bit puzzling. I turned out the kitchen light, and I had shit streaks all over the floor. What the hell? Since I only have two cats that are long haired, I went to them to see if there was some lingering poo. Tyson was fine, Crockett on the other hand, not so much. He had a huge dingleberry that didn't want to let go. He wasn't helping much, he kept running away from me. He finally started growling at me, so I quit. And focused on cleaning the shit streaks in the kitchen. That was fun, let me tell you. It was another late night in the Sara household.
Check it out...if I can get Kaelyn to trade a day with me, I will have a 5 day New Years weekend! How sweet is that? I'm smelling road trip!!
Saturday when I got to work, I was there with Meagan and Yvonne. Meagan had brought some CD's in for us to listen to. And guess what kind of CD's they were? Christmas music CD's. I got to listen to Christmas music for 7.5 hours straight.
I thought I was working at the mall, fer christ sake. I thought if I was going to have to listen to it all day on Sunday, I was going to lose my mind. But yeah! No christmas music.
I had made a comment about going to Bath & Body Works to get some shower gel. I wanted some of that new Blackberry Amber, and then my standard Japanese Cherry Blossom. I searched the shelves, and didn't see any gel for the Blossom. I asked one of the chipper sales girls if they had some and I didn't see it. She tells me that they don't have any. can you not have one of your best sellers on the busiest shopping weekend of the year? That makes no sense to me.
So anyway, I told the story at work Saturday, and when I came in on Sunday, there was a bottle of Blossom sitting on the counter. Meagan had a bottle at home, and brought it in for me! Yeah!'s taken like 2 hours to actually write this...I got caught up watching House. Now it's time for Nip/Tuck!