Winter Chill...
I sort of feel like a doctor now....
(2007-12-02, 6:48 p.m.)
I don't know how much I'm going to be able to write. I'm starting hour 36 of being awake. I'm sure you are wondering why I would be awake for 36 hours straight, so I'll tell you. I got called into work last night. Cathy called in, so they called me at 8:45. I didn't get the call though, because I had my phone turned off, and I was watching the season finales of Doctor Who and Torchwood. After that, I had decided to go out and shovel the first layer of snow that had fallen during the evening. I checked my caller ID, and I had a blocked call, which usually means work. I called them back and they needed me to come in. It was 10:15 and I would have to be there by eleven. I went in, and it was a good night. Not to busy, but not very slow, it made the time go by quickly. Especially after 32oz of coffee! I worked with Lisa and she is really cool so that helped too.
When I got home this morning, I didn't even come into the house, I worked on shoveling the driveway. That really sucked because there was a thin layer of frozen ice on the snow. Made it nice and heavy. Dad and I had made plans to go shopping for mom today, so I called mom when I got done, and he still wanted to go. A shower and breakfast was had, then I went over there. We had all of our shopping done within an hour! Mom and I then went and did some shopping too. I've been home doing laundry, picking up the house, farting around on the net.
Thank goodness there is nothing on the telly that I want to watch tonight, because it is going to be an early night. And the most awesomeness thing, I'll have overtime this week, and it will be on the weekend again! And we got the trays done, which is a huge pain in the ass job, and Sandy didn't have time to work on them.
Oh crap. I have the hiccups.
So yesterday I was able to get the stuff and make that other wreath for moms other co-worker. I can't believer I didn't take a picture of it. Oh well...
I had a nice conversation wtih Kristen yesterday too. She was telling me all about the "Snow Emergency" policy at work. If there is a "Snow Emergency", and you are out driving, unless you are medical personnel, you can be ticketed. And if you can't make it to work because of the "Snow Ememgency", they will send the National Guard to get you and take you to work. I find it amusing how some people react to driving in the snow.
And...I got to spend some time with Baby Girl yesterday. Bro still had my key to my shed, and since that's where my shovel was at, I knew I was giong to need it. She wanted to spend some time with me, and color, so I told Bro I would take her home. It was so funny when I took her home. Bro and SIL were decorating the house, and they had 3 foot alpine tree. Turk was carrying it around, so I started calling him Paul Bunyon. Did I tell you that he calls clock cock now? We've been working on his l's!
Well, I have a load of laundry that needs to get folded, so with that, I think I will say goodnight!