Winter Chill...
Who's that girl?
(2007-12-06, 1:38 a.m.)
I was having somewhat guilty feelings today about possibly leaving afternoons. I really like that shift, and I like everyone that I work with. But...Sandy really pissed me off tonight. I totally understand the "getting tired" thing, hell, I'm that way everyday. But don't be a bitch to me if you are tired. Thankfully, she only had 20 more minutes before it was time for her to go, so I stayed out of her way, and didn't say a fucking word to her. If I get the job, I will not miss that shit for anything.
Well, I do have a 5 day New Years weekend!! Go me! I thought about taking a quick trip to see Nilliem and the fam, but finacially, I just can't cut it with such short notice.
Well, I don't know what's on the agenda for tomorrow, but I think it's time to say night and retire!