Winter Chill...
Set adrift on nowbank bliss....
(2008-02-07, 7:03 a.m.)
My prediction came true last night. Cathy called in, so I had to stay over. I was supposed to leave at 3:30 but stayed until five. Then when I made it home, it was an hour shoveling out the driveway. I don't know how much snow we got, but the drift at the end of my driveway was a good 2 ft tall, and 3 ft wide. I really have no place to put anymore snow.
So now I'm just waiting for it to get a bit later, so I can call mom and tell her to call me around 2:45, to make sure I'm up.
Oh, and part of me thinks that I might have to stay over again tonight. If the roads aren't cleaned off by the time Cathy is supposed to come in, I'm betting she'll call in.
That about covers things for now peeps!