Winter Chill...
Oh looky here!!
(2008-05-18, 10:18 p.m.)
I can't believe it's been over a week since I updated. And really, this isn't going to much of an update anyway. I'm just plodding along in life, nothing to exciting happening.
Had the bachelorette dinner/party last night for the wedding, and it went well. Up until I got sick from whatever it was that I ate a dinner. Unfortunately, where I got sick at, was the bar, and I wasn't about to go in the bathroom and do my business there. Needless to say, it was a very uncomfortable 20 minute ride home.
I got to see my cousin totally ripped last night too. I can honestly say, that I don't think I've ever seen him that tanked. Thankfully he was as the bar when we got there, because there was no way I would have paid 10 bucks for a cover charge.
Mom and I went shopping on Thursday, and I got my bra for the dress too. Really nice strapless, one that I can wear with my tank tops too. I was also lucky enough to get a new jean skort, and a cool top for the evening too. Oh yeah, and how could I forget, I got a new cleavage enhancing bra too. Looks really good on me..
Well, Chris just called me, so I need to update him on some things....