Winter Chill...
A friend is a friend no more....
(2008-07-24, 12:51 a.m.)
I am so utterly angry right now, I've had a headache all afternoon.
Let me start from the beginning....
My "friend" Doris came down to see me today, and give me some pics from the wedding back in May. She just casually mentioned that when she got home from her trip on Monday, her house had been destroyed by her cats, Jay and Foxy. They had gotten into the toilet paper and shredded a roll all over the house.
So how does Doris solve the problem of cats shredding TP? She takes them out to the fucking woods and dumps them. Well, she tried to dump Foxy, but she was hanging on for dear life, so she just left Jay there.
You don't take a cat, that has been living in a house for the first two years of her life, and just dump here out in the woods. I realize she's a cat, and she's probably still got that instinct, but that's besides the fucking point. So I started to give her some shit about it, and she gave me the attitude, "You had the chance to take her, and you didn't, so you can't say anything about it." The fuck I can't. If I would have know you were going to do it last night, I would have taken them in, and tried to find a home for them.
I have no respect for anyone who does that, regardless of what kind of animal it is. It's your pet, part of your family, and it's not right.
I called her later, after I had calmed down a bit, and told her that if she didn't want to take Foxy with her when she moves, I will take her and try to find a home for her. I will not let her do to Foxy what she did to Jay. I just cannot fathom why someone would do that.
I can only hope and pray that Jay finds a home, with a family that will love her like she deserves to be loved.
And I realize, it's a cat. There are far more worrisome things going on in the world, than the welfare of one cat. But you know how I am about cats, and I can't change that. All I'm asking is that regardless of who you believe in, just say a little prayer tonight for Jay...