Winter Chill...
No news is good news I guess..
(2008-08-02, 11:30 a.m.)
WE got a phone call last night from one of the floor. The Surmed machine wasn't dispensing Vicodin like it's supposed. I trot my butt up there, to take a look at it. Normally what happens, is that someone didn't hook the canister back correctly, so it's just kind of hanging there. I opened the machine, and checked the canisters. One was empty, not a big deal. The other one said 18 for quantity available. I looked at the canister, and there were none in there. So my heart skipped a beat, and I checked to make sure I was looking at the correct canister, and sure enough I was. I looked in the dispensing drawer, hoping maybe they fell out by accident. No such luck.
I called down to the pharmacy and talked to Yvonne, and so last night we tried to find the missing Vicodin. Of course, the person who stocked it that day, didn't return our calls last night. Not that I think this person stole 18 Vicodin. But we kind of have to know what the hell happened to them.
I'm at the tile shop right now, and I've had one person come in, besides Eric. Some guy looking for grout, in a color that is no longer available. Sorry.
I'm so freaking bored, it's not even funny. I've been dinking around on iTunes, buying some new music, but there really isn't anything out there that is wowing me. Although, coming out on Tuesday the 8th, The Airborne Toxic Event's new CD will be released. I listened to it today, and now I have a note on my laptop to make sure I buy in on Tuesday.
Jess and I are supposed to go golfing tomorrow morning, so that should be fun. I don't really want to play 9 full holes, I want to play the par 3, since that won't take as long. We'll see if she in fact calls me tomorrow to go.
I've got a book out in the car...I guess I will go and snag that and start reading it...